
Heaven must be like this  
26min, 2023
Leonel Vieira
Carlos Ribeiro
Carlos Alberto Cabral
Indya Vieira
Director & Cinematography - Jiyan Düyü
Edit - Jiyan Düyü
Camera - Melle van Herwaarden,
Gijs van Herwaarden, Jiyan Düyü
Sound - Talisa Harjono
Sound Design - Rick Haring
Producer - Jos de Putter

This three-channel video installation is part of the Lakeside Collection Exhibiton ‘Harvest 2023’ and was exhibited from 25 August untill 25 October 2023  in Depot Boijmans Van Beuningen in Rotterdam.  It was also shown at the Städelschule Rundgang 2024 in Frankfurt am Main in February.

This work is supported by the Duch Film Fund.


Depot Boijmans Van Beuningen 2023, Rotterdam

Städelschule Rundgang 2024, Frankfurt am Main